Berkeley House Language Center
業界 Industry |
教育 Education |
採用職種 Hiring Position(s) |
教員・語学指導員 Teaching, Language Instructing |
企業PR及び参加者へのメッセージ / Company PR and message to participants
Berkeley House Language Center prides itself on being one of Japan’s premier language schools. We provide top-notch foreign language learning services to a wide arrange of organizations.
出展会場【東京】 Exhibition venue【TOKYO】 |
出展 Exhibit |
出展会場【大阪】 Exhibition venue【OSAKA】 |
出展しない Won't exhibit |
企業情報/Company Information
会社概要 Company/organisation overview | We provide top-notch foreign language learning services to a wide arrange of organizations: schools, universities, corporations, etc. |
業界 Industry | 教育 Education |
本社所在地 HQ address | 〒102-0073 東京都千代田区九段北4-2-11 第2星光ビル7F |
会社設立年 Year of establishment | 1973 |
従業員数 Total number of employees | 662 |
外国籍従業員数 Number of foreign employees | 403 |
企業HP Homepage URL | https://berkeleyhouse.co.jp/ |
採用情報/Hiring Information
採用人数(予定) Number of expected hires | 10 |
採用形態 Contract type | 契約社員 |
採用職種 Position(s) |
教員・語学指導員 Teaching, Language Instructing |
業務内容 Work description | Teach English and/or other subjects based on the school curricula Work other than teaching: create lesson plans, prepare materials/tests, assess student progress, attend to extra activities, etc. |
求める人材 Ideal candidate profile | ・ Possess a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited University ・ Have at least 3 years of experience teaching at a Japanese private Jr. Sr. Highschool |
日本語能力レベル Japanese level |
日常会話レベル / Conversational
学歴 Academic level | 大学卒業 |
給与 Salary | 250,000 円~330,000円(月給) |
賞与 Bonuses | Depends |
勤務地 Job location(s) | Great Tokyo area |
リモートワークの有無 Remote work | 無 No |
就業時間・休日 Work hours・Holidays | 5 weekdays or 4 weekdays + Saturday |
休暇制度(有給休暇、夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、育児休暇等) Types of leave (paid leave, summer leave, New Years vacation, bereavement leave, childcare leave etc.) | 10 paid leaves after the first 6 months |
社会保険 Insurance | Social insurance: health insurance, pension, employment insurance etc |
福利厚生 Benefits | Travel expenses to be fully reimbursed |
諸手当等(通勤手当・住居手当・超過勤務手当) Allowances (commuting allowance, housing allowance,overtime pay, etc.) | Depends |
応募方法 Application method | Company's website |
選考ステップ Recruitment process | Screening, interview, demonstration lesson |
担当者情報 Supervisor information | Takashi Hashimoto recruit@berkeleyhouse.co.jp 03-6844-6586 |
採用ページ Recruiting page URL | https://berkeleyhouse.co.jp/welcome/applynow/ |