HTM Corporation
業界 Industry |
Finance and Administration |
採用職種 Hiring Position(s) |
We work with you to identify your interests in back-office processing, consulting, process design, and software development for HR, payroll, accounting. Back-office processing: Work with international clients to manage their business - company establishment, HR management, payroll, accounting, and legal administration. Business consulting: Provide insight to international clients that helps build a better business, while helping them stay compliant. Process design: Design effective processes that make use of technology to better manage clients' business information. Working closely with other team members, see the projects you lead transform our workflow. Software development: Build systems to better manage our clients' business information, responding to international companies' need for bilingual information. Everyone is also welcome and encouraged to partake in our learning programs - presentation coaching, Toastmasters, programming, and systems thinking sessions. |
企業PR及び参加者へのメッセージ / Company PR and message to participants
We support 200 clients with bilingual back-office services and systems built in house. Our objective is innovating business. Enormous improvements can be made using simple ideas anyone can learn.
出展会場【東京】 Exhibition venue【TOKYO】 |
出展 Exhibit |
出展会場【大阪】 Exhibition venue【OSAKA】 |
出展しない Won't exhibit |
企業情報/Company Information
会社概要 Company/organisation overview | We help international clients build businesses in Japan, providing company establishment, HR management, payroll, and finance and accounting services. |
業界 Industry | Finance and Administration |
本社所在地 HQ address | T&F Bldg. 8F, Minami Azabu 4-11-22, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047 |
会社設立年 Year of establishment | 1987 |
従業員数 Total number of employees | 68 |
外国籍従業員数 Number of foreign employees | 29 |
企業HP Homepage URL | https://htm.co.jp/htm_work.htm |
採用情報/Hiring Information
採用人数(予定) Number of expected hires | Any number. We are open to onboarding as many people as we feel will enjoy a successful career at HTM. |
採用形態 Contract type | 正社員 |
採用職種 Position(s) |
We work with you to identify your interests in back-office processing, consulting, process design, and software development for HR, payroll, accounting. Back-office processing: Work with international clients to manage their business - company establishment, HR management, payroll, accounting, and legal administration. Business consulting: Provide insight to international clients that helps build a better business, while helping them stay compliant. Process design: Design effective processes that make use of technology to better manage clients' business information. Working closely with other team members, see the projects you lead transform our workflow. Software development: Build systems to better manage our clients' business information, responding to international companies' need for bilingual information. Everyone is also welcome and encouraged to partake in our learning programs - presentation coaching, Toastmasters, programming, and systems thinking sessions. |
業務内容 Work description | Our ideal workday is divided into three parts: the morning is spent on our daily work supporting clients, then the rest of the day is spent on projects to improve business practices and learning time. |
求める人材 Ideal candidate profile | We look for take-charge, proactive people with a high sense of curiosity, leadership, and responsibility. |
日本語能力レベル Japanese level |
ビジネスレベル / Business level
日常会話レベル / Conversational
学歴 Academic level | 大学卒業 、修士課程終了 、博士課程終了 |
給与 Salary | Varies with experience, and is updated during our annual salary review. |
賞与 Bonuses | |
勤務地 Job location(s) | Tokyo, Minato-ku |
リモートワークの有無 Remote work | 無 No |
就業時間・休日 Work hours・Holidays | Work hours - 9:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday. Holidays - Weekends, national holidays, new year holidays. |
休暇制度(有給休暇、夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、育児休暇等) Types of leave (paid leave, summer leave, New Years vacation, bereavement leave, childcare leave etc.) | Annual paid leave that exceeds Japanese regulations, new year holidays, unlimited sick leave, childcare leave, family care leave |
社会保険 Insurance | Japanese health, pension, labor insurance |
福利厚生 Benefits | Gym membership, catered lunch, relocation support, International House of Japan membership, comprehensive annual health check |
諸手当等(通勤手当・住居手当・超過勤務手当) Allowances (commuting allowance, housing allowance,overtime pay, etc.) | Commuting allowance, and walking distance allowance for people living within walking distance |
応募方法 Application method | Send us your English CV and cover letter to careers@htm.co.jp. If working with international clients on an international team interests you, we look forward to receiving your application. |
選考ステップ Recruitment process | Interviews (online or in person according to your preference), personality assessment, work simulation, invitation to visit our office and join us for our catered lunch |
担当者情報 Supervisor information | Alexandra Mourey alexandra_mourey@htm.co.jp 03-5789-8168 |
採用ページ Recruiting page URL | https://htm.co.jp/htm_work.htm |